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About Holocaust Remembrance Day

Published by: yadvashem.org

Holocaust Remembrance and Heroism Day (Yom ha-Shoah in Hebrew) is a national commemoration event in Israel in honor of the six million Jews killed during World War II. This is a solemn day that begins at sunset on Nisan 27 and ends the following evening, according to the traditional Jewish way of determining the day.

Commemorative ceremonies are held across the country and entertainment venues remain closed. Holocaust Remembrance and Heroism Day 2023 will begin with the State Ceremony at Yad Vashem, in the presence of the President of the State of Israel and the Prime Minister, other dignitaries, and Holocaust survivors. Six torches will be lit, representing the six million murdered Jews.

The following day, a siren will sound for two minutes throughout the country. All activity is suspended, pedestrians stop, all means of transport stop moving to stop on the road and two minutes of silence are observed in tribute to the victims of the Holocaust.

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