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National Thomas Jefferson Day

Published by: National Day Calendar

National Thomas Jefferson Day each year on April 13th honors the birth of the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, who was born on April 13, 1743.

Most known as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was a stalwart of democracy. While not much of an orator, his pen cut quite a swath of ink through correspondence, documents, journals, and manuscripts.

Jefferson was not only a lawyer, but he was also a scientist in agriculture, paleontology, and astronomy. Immensely curious, he kept detailed records of the weather and eventually established weather observers across his home state of Virginia.

Jefferson served as minister to France, Secretary of State in President Washington’s Cabinet, and ran for President for the first time in 1796 only to be elected Vice President to his opponent, John Adams, due to a flaw in the Constitution.

Four years later, the same fault in the document caused a tie within the same party between Aaron Burr and Jefferson, with Jefferson assuming the Presidency.

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