&amp;amp;amp;lt;img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"&amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br /> src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=195941452349389&amp;amp;amp;amp;ev=PageView&amp;amp;amp;amp;noscript=1"&amp;amp;lt;br /&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;br /&amp;gt;&lt;br /&gt;<br /> /&amp;amp;amp;gt; FreeEvent - Page 15 of 17 - C-Medisolutions


Intro to Gaming

Ready to level up? In this introduction to gaming we’ll explore some of the basic concepts of video games and gaming. We’ll review the benefits of gaming and take a look at some popular games and consoles, including Nintendo Switch, Xbox, and VR headsets. We’ll also demonstrate where to find free games and start playing!

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Graphic Design Tools

Looking for a creative outlet? Try your hand at one or more free, user-friendly, web-based graphic design tools! In this presentation, we’ll explore the popular design platform, Canva, and demonstrate how you can get very creative with basic tools like Google Slides. We’ll also take a look at Photoshop Express, the web-based, free version of

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Crowdfunding for Entrepreneurs

The internet has changed the way entrepreneurs, small business owners, nonprofits, and charitable organizations raise money. This presentation will explore crowdfunding—fundraising by gathering small amounts of money from large numbers of people—online. You’ll learn the fundamentals of using a crowdfunding campaign to raise money as well as how to search for and contribute to other

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Stronger Bones

Activate the joints and muscles to become limber and increase mental focus and concentration during this exercise class. Have your dumbbells, water bottles, soup cans, or towels ready to use for resistance. Trainer: Mary Breyette, CCE Clinton Senior Fitness Educator Join this class by Zoom: https://seniorplanet.zoom.us/j/82933065491 Meeting ID: 829 3306 5491

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How to Choose a New Computer

Looking for a new computer? This informational session addresses some of the most common questions surrounding how to choose a new computer: Where to start? What’s a reliable brand? How much should you budget? What technical specifications? We will also cover operating systems and compare alternatives to the traditional computer, e.g. tablets and Chromebooks. *Please

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Cloud Storage

In this lecture, you’ll learn the basics of cloud storage — a technology that lets you store documents, images, and other media files remotely while giving you greater accessibility, reliability, and protection for your important data. We’ll discuss what it is, why it’s the future of data storage, and demonstrate a few of the most

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