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World Health Day 2023: All you need to Know

Published by: The Economic Times

While all of us have read this common phrase ‘Health is wealth’ in childhood, we tend to ignore our health due to our busy lifestyles. World Health Organization observes ‘World Health Day’ every year on April 7 across the globe to remind people that health is the biggest asset. This particular day is celebrated to spread awareness about physical and mental health that can help them improve their lifestyle for a happy life.

World Health Day 2023: History

World Health Organization was established in 1948 to bring the world together towards a common goal – leading a healthy life. Various countries came together and founded the WHO in 1948 to promote health and wellness as a significant component of life. The organization was established to keep the world safe, help the vulnerable, and make people understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

The first World Health Day was celebrated in 1950 on April 7. It was held to mark WHO’s inception. Since then, the world has been observing the special occasion.

World Health Day 2023: Significance

World Health Day is observed to educate people, spread awareness about health issues, new medicines, and research, and ensure healthcare facilities are accessible to everyone, everywhere. This day reminds people to take notice of their health and make improvements to lead a quality life.

World Health Day 2023: Theme

Marking the 75th anniversary of the WHO, the theme of World Health Day 2023 is “Health for All”. WHO is organizing multiple campaigns and awareness programs to discuss global health.

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